Jewish Moving Pictures e.V. | Kreuzberg

The Jewish Moving Pictures e.V. project focuses on open-air film screenings that explore Jewish culture, history, and contemporary life. It was initiated by Dr. Lihi Nagler, a researcher specializing in representations of Jews in contemporary cinema in Israel and Germany. Since 2019, Nagler has served as a curator for the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg, and since 2018, for the Warsaw Jewish Film Festival.

In collaboration with the Fraenkelufer Synagogue, this year’s program, shaped by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, sought to foster dialogue and community reflection. The screenings took place in the synagogue courtyard, beginning in August 2024, and featured short films such as “Susam” (Sami Morhayim, 2021) and “Women of Virtue” (Stephanie Halfon, 2022), each addressing themes of identity, tradition, and family. Nagler contributed to post-screening discussions, often alongside the directors, encouraging reflection on the films’ relevance to contemporary issues and the evolving nature of Jewish identity.

On September 5, 2024, when Peter Keller’s film “Nicht ganz koscher – Eine göttliche Komödie” was scheduled to be screened, the event was cancelled due to security concerns following an attempted stabbing at the Israeli Consulate in Munich earlier that day. The Jewish Community of Berlin, despite considerable anticipation and preparation, deemed it unsafe to proceed with the event.

Die Ausstellung

Navigating Between Gravities

Jüdisches Leben in Berlin, Damals und Jetzt

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