
Exhibition Title: “Navigating between Gravities: Jewish Life in Berlin, Then and Now”
Curators: Sapir Huberman & Dr. Debby Farber
Website Development and Design: Maya Rotman
Map Illustration: Einav Vaisman

The exhibition was initiated by: 

Partnerschaft für Demokratie Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg in collaboration with Partnerschaft für Demokratie Neukölln.

Navigating Between Gravities” is an invitation to a journey along a continuum stretched across Jewish past and present, within three of Berlin’s most vibrant and heterogeneous boroughs – Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain and Neukölln. It allows the visitors to navigate between two charged and complex times and spaces: A historical map that reveals traces of the Jewish life that once flourished in these neighbourhoods before the rise of the Nazi regime; overlaid by a map of the Jewish present – following the October 7 terror attack on Israel and the devastating war in Gaza that followed. The latter map, at the heart of the exhibition, gathers voices, perspectives, images, actions, stories, and gestures, created by Jewish artists, scholars, activists, and organizations living in the neighbourhoods, in response to these events. The exhibition will be launched on 21 November 2024.


For inquiries, please contact:

Verband für Interkulturelle Arbeit (VIA) Regionalverband Berlin/Brandenburg e.V. 

Petersburger Straße 92

10247 Berlin

Phone: +493029007155

E-mail: [email protected]


Authorized representative board:

Dr Dharma Raj Bhusal (Deutsche humanitäre Initiativen für Süd Asien e. V. – Sathi)

Germaine Flaure Ngamou (New Hope & Light e.V.)

Selma Yilmaz-Schwenker (BOX66-Interkulturelles Beratungs- und Begegnungszentrum für Frauen und Familien in Friedrichshain)

Thais Vera Utrilla (Feministisches Zentrum für M,igrant*innen e.V.)

Milan Rakovic (Rroma InformationsCentrum e.V.)

Managing Director: Holger Förster

Nachbarschaftsheim Neukölln

Schierker Str. 53

12051 Berlin

Tel: +49 (0)30- 284 784 93

Email: [email protected]


Board of Directors:

Chairman: Thomas Licher

Deputy Chairwoman: Hanna Schumacher

Treasurer: Georg Bonsiepe

Additional board member: Vera Bethge

Managing Director: Barbara Schünke

V.i.S.d.P: Barbara Schünke

Die Ausstellung

Navigating Between Gravities

Jüdisches Leben in Berlin, Damals und Jetzt

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